When it comes to saving money and planning your retirement, nothing is too early. To prepare for your retirement, you could setup an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
The IRA will be your retirement savings plan. Either you work as an employee or a self-employed; you could save some money and put it into your IRA. This investment is tax-deferred until the distribution date come up. Also, some individuals are permitted to withdraw some or all of their money in their IRA. There is also a retirement savings account called Roth IRA where you can’t withdraw the money. However, when the distribution time comes up, the withdrawals won’t be taxed.
To setup an IRA, you need to find a trustee. A trustee or custodian could be your bank or your brokerage house. If you have any other financial institution, you could use it as a trustee. For this IRA, you can’t be your own trustee.
To contribute in Individual Retirement Account ( IRA ), you need to put at least $4,000 in it every year. Of course you could add more money to put in your IRA if you could. For people with 50+ years old, they usually need to put additional $1000 per year to catch-up with their IRA and save more money for their retirement.
If you have more than one IRA or you have several types of IRA, the same limit will be applied. So, if you and your spouse have a separate IRA, both of you needs to pay the maximum amount of $8000 per year or $10,000 per year for couple more than 50 years old. This amount will be raised up to $5,000 each in 2008 while the additional catch-up amount for people above 50 years old still $1,000.
If you have any emergency need that resulting you not to pay your IRA, it’s not a big problem. It’s because you’re allowed not to contribute the money year after year. You could skip one or several years if you like, and continue the payment for the next year. However, the amount that you skipped before is not allowed to be added in your next contribution.
The money that you contribute for saving in your IRA must be made from compensation such as salaries, wages, commissions and other sources of your earned income. You cannot put the money that you’ve made from sources like dividends, portfolio interests, deferred compensations, or retirement payments. So, make sure you have the right source of income before you put your money in there.
When you reach the age of 70.5 or when you retired, you must begin to take your IRA distributions on every April 1st of the year. These savings would then be your golden eggs during your retirement years, thus you should plan carefully in order to meet the needs during these years ahead.
IRA and Roth IRA have a slightly different terms and rules. Both of them also have their own distribution and contribution limitations. That’s why you need to get some advices either from your accountant, banker, or your financial advisor so you could get a solid grab about each retirement savings account. Doing it this way will gives you choices to get what you need most.