Having a job and get salary from it usually not enough to cover up all of your expenses, especially if you have lots of debts and kids. People, who get trapped in this rat race, often try to figure the best way to escape it. The best idea that they could come up with is Read more
Archive : Stock Exchange
Exchange Crises
Exchange crises are a kind of reaction of the securities market on the excessive “swelling” of fictitious capital. One such crisis occurred in October 1987, when stock prices fell sharply on the stock markets of the capitalist countries. Thus, in comparison with the maximum level of August 25,1987, in October 19, 1987, they fell on Read more
What is a Stock Exchange?
Questions about what stock exchange is and what features are a part of its notion, of course, is primarily important for the legislation. There is a particular need for a legal definition and differentiation of various trade associations, because the economic importance and the effectiveness of the exchanges are just obvious (it is sufficient to Read more
Eurobonds and the negative pressure from the United States
Following the European stock exchange and commodity market quotes sovereign Eurobonds significantly “proseli at auction on Wednesday, June 17. Price issuance Russia-30 (YTM 7.75 per cent) decreased by about 1 percentage point – Up to 98.5 per cent of the nominal value. In doing so, its spread to UST has become more than 400 bp Read more
The price of gold has fallen to its minimum on COMEX
The price of gold on the Stock Exchange of New York (COMEX) fell to its lowest level over the past three weeks and settled on the basis of trades below U.S. $ 930 per ounce on June 15. Thus, the official price of gold on COMEX in relation to its active futures (August) became 927.5 Read more
Which company is the most expensive in the world?
Chinese oil company-giant re-emerged as the largest in the world with its market capitalization. Every year in June, the newspaper The Financial Times publishes top FT 500, which is the rating of the largest capitalized companies in the world. A month before the publication of the rating, it became apparent that despite the crisis and Read more